Thursday, August 8, 2019

how to increase likes in instagram

instagram is the best social apps and users want to getmore lies in the app. but their photos don`t come as expected. but it is possiable to get more lies photos posted on instgram by following a few simple steps.

make the account public

open the account. don`t like the photos you post on your account. so mae your account public in the setting of istagram app. getting your account promoted will help your accounted get promoted.

use the hastags

use some hastags when posting a [photo of any photo to the instagram app. using the hastags reach target audience.hastags can also help you not only mae frinds. this is now your photos get.

follow friends

to increase your follower count on. instagram,you need to follow your frineds accounts and like,comment and share their photos. in return,they will also comment on your photos.and their frineds have the chance to lie your photos.

tag your location

this option is even better for introducing your account a new friend ,by tagging the location to reach the new friends in taht particular location. the photos are great ,and definatly like it.

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