Tuesday, July 2, 2019

How to find network available

Read on to find out what network is available in our area and which tower.

What to look for when taking sim  First we need to know what network is available in our area.
And you should know that its Internet speed is up.
Follow the instructions below to find out what tower is in our area.


1)first download open signal app

2) Then open the app and click on the allow button to ask for permission

3)Then click on the test button and click on it to test your internet speed

4)Click on the stats button to find out how many Percent Network is available in your area.

5)Then click on the Coverage button, then unlock the location, then click on the location symbol, which will tell you the network coverage of your area. Red color is in bad coverage and green color is good coverage.

6)Clicking on the dashboard shows you the direction the network is getting, and then clicking on the Cell Towers button shows the tower to which your network is connected.

Download the app click download button.
App name : opensignal

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